This is not medical advice but what has worked for me, my friends, and many others.

This is one of the best ointments for a ton of things. It has comfrey in it which has amazing growth hormones. It is good for sprained ligaments, broken bones, sore knees, stiff backs, etc. anything that needs quick cell regrowth.

I use to use Christopher’s Complete Tissue and Bone Ointment for my itchy ears. For some reason the skin in my ear near the top of my ear does not produce enough oils so my ear skin itches when I lay down at night. It is odd that the itching bothers me mostly when i lay down at night. It itches even to the point that it is hard to fall asleep. I have tried skin lotion and coconut oil but the best is this Christopher’s Complete Tissue and Bone Ointment , and I don’t have to put it on every night, it usually lasts for several days. I have not used this for ichy ears for months now becuause they no longer itch. I am not sure if I am eating more helathy or the “Christopher TIssue & Bone” ointment fixed the glands to put the oil in my ear. Either way it is not not to have that problem for now.

My wife has hearing loss due to a combination of very small ear canal tubes, sever curve in her ear canal, and inflammation. She has been using Christopher’s Complete Tissue and Bone Ointment to help her body get rid of the inflammation. I will revisit her status with time.

I find Christopher’s Complete Tissue and Bone Ointment very helpful with sore joints, ligaments (knee), and tendons (elbow).

Be aware that some say to not take Comfrey internally, eyes, suppository, or open wound, but some say this studies done on this were designed to create fear in people … so you decide what is best for your needs

Here are the ingredients of Christopher’s Complete Tissue and Bone Ointment, it has lot of other ingredients besides comfrey

I plan to grow Comfrey and make my own paste once I get the plants growing at my place

This was a good interview about chiropractic and health and comfrey – they add more comfrey when injured every 3 hours

The warning label to not take comfrey is based on a flawed study of feeding tons of comfrey to mice, I tried to find the study but was not able to, this is a report of the study … Bottom line I am willing to take comfrey externally & internally

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