3 things to do to make your world more private, safe, and easy with bitwarden password manager … how to securely save logins/ passwords for yourself or for your family or for work

https://bitwarden.com/download/ this is the link to download

this tool allows you to store passwords and logins and credit cards

it is encrypted from beginning to end and is public domain encrypted so it cannot be hacked and since the code is public domain and scrutinized by a lot of people the developer cannot get your private info

you can have a work one and a personal one you just need to have a different password for each one

you can down load this ap to your phone and home computer and log in with your work or personal email login and get your private info

you and can share passwords family and a change from any device will change on all devices

sometimes it is good to put an old passwd in notes in case you need the old one for a week or so

watch me add and change a passowrd

you can learn how to use it from youtube videos people have put up

make sure you save your changes soon because it times out